Campaign Resarch

Olivia Health Magazine (no date) Why you’re not as fat as you think you are [online] Available at:[Accessed 21st December 2013]

One of the items for the project to be designed was a campaign poster, now I was quite aware that The Body Shop were known for running campaigns but I had literally no idea to what extent their success was and how globally spread they were. On their website it gives a run down of all the campaigns they have done since they opened and an insight into the level of success they had with them.

This part of the project was particularly interesting to me as it gave us an opportunity to a.) voice our concerns on an issue that we personally felt passionate about and b.) gave us a chance to look into things that are actually happening around the world. Too often I have turned off the news and played ignorant to current affairs happening around the world. Completing research into goings on that are current, things that are going on right now in our society, things happening in every day life while we just continue on in our every day routines was a real eye opener.

The articles I have attached are a few issues going on right now that attracted my attention. As a group we had varied campaign ideas but the one we settled on I truly believe is a good and very necessary cause. This is tackling self image and self esteem issues in 11-19 year olds. This is a difficult period of transition for most people growing up and I think a lot of people can relate to feeling insecure about their appearance at some point in their lives. The information and statistics of young adults growing up with self-esteem issues particularly in girls is shocking.


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